Thursday, June 24, 2010

Scary Humor and Norman

Ever since Latma ( produced that wonderful clip "We Fool The World", I have begun to really believe that humor is nearly the best way to go. Stop explaining ourselves, stop teaching others and for heaven sake stop apologizing. It makes no difference no matter what.

The following clip is so well done, so realistic, so bloody real, it's too scary to be funny. But it is so good I had to share it.

Until my next blog entry, I leave you with Norman. For those of you who do not know him, you will NOT thank me for this introduction. But we cannot ignore the Norman's of the world, because they are one of the tribe, as it were.
Norman Finkelstein:

Selected Tidbits:

We haven't talked in a while, I would like to share with you some selected tidbits, I've been collecting.  While the world goes on its merry way, we must concern ourselves, with ourselves.

I couldn't resist sharing this one and completely forgot about this event in a re-published article I found in Helen Thomas should be Fired by
In this article they mention the incident with Don Imus (for the innocent, Don is/was a NYC-based radio announcer who's been around since I was in high school), who was fired from CBS and MSNBC after he made some nasty racial remarks. As the article states " It took little more than a week before he was fired by CBS and MSNBC, losing both his radio program and his television show. The mainstream media gave the story prominent attention for weeks, including updates on the controversy and opinion pieces denouncing the talk show host."

Back to the whole Aza thing, here is something Ehud Barak said.  I am happy to hear he actually said something both intelligent and timely.
"There are 1.5 million people living in Gaza and only one of them really needs humanitarian aid,” Defense Minister Ehud Barak said. “Only one of them is locked in a tiny room and never sees the light of day, only one of them is not allowed visits and is in uncertain health – his name is Gilad Shalit, and this month four years will have passed since he was kidnapped.”

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Board of Inquiry? Well break out the violins, let's all start picking wild flowers and start singing kum-baya.

I have been unusually, and I may say uncharacteristically, quiet about Netanyahu's ill-fated, but all too obvious, decision to allow a 'board of inquiry' to investigate the flotilla thing. What got my blood pressure boiling was the fact that two of the members are foreigners. I want to say I am shocked. I want to, but I can't – it was too bloody obvious. It was also way to obvious that Netanyahu would be the one who would do this. Only a Likud government would do this. Bloody hell.

Of course, the icing on the cake was the statement made by a newscaster sometime after that ill-fated announcement was made, that this may not be enough for the 'international committee' and they (the whole bloody world) may anyway dismiss the findings of this board and still demand their own inquiry.

What was Netanyahu thinking? What do most Israelis who are bent on placating the world think? That this step is the best thing for Israel and that the whole world will love us and accept us. Well break out the violins, let's all start picking wild flowers and start singing kum-baya.

There is nothing to learn; terror activists in the guise of peace activists got on a boat. They know that if they were attacked it was good and if Jews died it was good - so it was a win-win decision for them. They were armed to the teeth and had half the whole bloody world on their side. They had 'holding rooms' ready in advance for abducted Israeli soldiers and handy-dandy cameras everywhere to record the ""terrible deeds"" (double quotes on purpose) of the Israelis.

Then they 'made off for grandmother's house (Gaza)' waiting for the Israelis to meet them in the woods (Israel's territorial waters). No good was going to come out of this. And don’t you believe it, except for the "greatest minds of our times" in the Knesset, everyone else in Israel knew this was not going to end well.

And to answer your question: "No, we are never going to learn." We send tons of aid every bloody day to Gaza. We trained their bloody police force. We give medical aid to their sick. And we do plenty of other good deeds which do not need to be mentioned.

All I would like to say is "Thank you Mr. Prime Minister", but I guess that sentence is no longer so cute.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Lauren Booth – Please tell me it's true. Or When will American Jews Prove me Wrong? Go ahead. I dare you!

Ok, this is going to be the mother of all posts (up till this time). What the %^*#$ are American Jews doing while the whole bloody world is vilifying us? Make me happy and just give me two, no one is enough, give me one example of what the heck they are doing to stand up to this never-ending, lie-fest against Israel?

I'll tell ya what they are doing: they are busy making sure their kids are set for space camp, dance camp, fat camp and a trip around the bloody world, which won't include Israel, cause, darling it's just a little too dangerous there these days. They are busy making sure their summer plans to Greece, Rome and France are in order and that their facials and manicures are scheduled and are on time and that Bubby's 85th surprise birthday party is planned down to a T.

Now of course we have Darling Lauren,

telling the world about Israel's "massacres" on the bloody flotilla, in Gaza, in the "West Bank" (where ever that is) and in Jerusalem. Executions of the bloody peace activities??? – Shot in the back of the head????? You're good Lauren, I'll give ya that. And as the little darling states, she wants England to cut ties with Israel. Well please, I beg of you, please cut ties with Israel. Now!

Now tell me, where is 'our own American Lauren', yelling the truth about the bloody peace activists, and the bloody flotilla at PRO-ISRAEL rallies all over the US? Who in the Five Towns has gone without sleep making sure that everyone hears the TRUTH about the bloody flotilla? What Rabbis in Chicago, Cleveland and California have gone hoarse talking to everyone they know about the TRUTH? What nice Jewish political figures (yes the ones with the kippas and the ones without) throughout the US have run themselves ragged trying to get out the message? What group of mothers or fathers or dentists or lawyers have stood up ANY WHERE in the continental United States and screamed the truth?

And I do not mean a message of apologia, we Jews are soooo good at providing those messages. Nice little Jews, trying desperately to explain what happened and why and how and how sorry we are that someone got a bloody paper cut on board the flot-hitler – sorry flotilla. Where is the no-nonsense message that lies will not hold out and that Jews in America are the same as Jews in Israel. Ah there's the crux of the matter, but before I get to that little morsel, just one more question. What are the schools and the so-called Jewish educators doing; what message are they bringing to the next generation of Jewish students?

I'll tell you what the message is – silence. Oh and we are soooo good at that. Silence is golden, since "if we wait long enough, it – here is comes folks – will all blow over". So all those wonderful Jewish students are left to scratch their heads, slink along the corridors of the colleges and keep silent cause even if they wanted to talk back or create their own message – THEY HAVE NONE. They are not educated. They have no idea why they are Jewish, what is a Jew and why the heck we are in Israel in the first place. Most can’t quote the Torah (not a Bible, not a Jewish Bible, not the TORAH). Can't give an accurate account of Jewish history, except something about the holocaust and about the establishment of Israel (as if there is a connection between these events).

Let me put it to you very simply: once upon a time, a long time ago, a 'crazy man with a mustache' and some 29 fanatics dragged the world down into destruction. And America and American Jews did what they do best: they enjoyed their garden parties, summer camps and shopping on 5th Avenue. What were the excuses at that time? They didn't know what was happening and they didn’t want to make it a "Jewish issue". Right, as if making it into a 'Jewish issue' would have change things or saved even one Jewish soul.

TODAY the world is burning around us all. Jewish kids are abused on college campuses throughout the world. These kids and their parents begin to question if it is a 'good idea' to wear anything 'too Jewish' outside their 'neighborhood. But they won't bloody stand up and be counted.

And here it comes: they are afraid of be accused of dual loyalties. You see, no American Jew wants to cross that line and prove that he is a good Jew before he is a good America. What if things good bad in Israel, where will our good American Jews go? (Remember Little Helen's tirades?) Our American Jew thinks, like his cousins in Europe, that the answer lies in trusting goyim to 'take care of us'. Dual loyalties are dangerous for Jews. Now since the 'viability' of Israel has been proven (we were not wiped off the face of the earth by our neighbors who tried time and time again), we have a new burden: the 'friendship' between America and Israel. This burden has always been portrayed as America bending over backwards to be our friends and partners and how Israel seems to always screw it up, by doing something naughty if not outright illegal. I never understood the logic behind the idea that America is Israel's "staunchest ally" and that because Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East - America will always be our friend. I never understood the logic until I realized that this whole friendship-thing is a great way to keep American Jews quiet, controlled and scared to make too much noise. This is certainly a case of keeping your enemies close, but keeping your friends closer.

I want to remind everyone that Jews have lived in Europe since Roman times. Did that ever stop the multitude of European rulers (secular and religious) throughout the ages from starving, burning and killing us en masse and as always throwing us the hell out of every place we ever laid our collective heads?

Up until and including WWII, it didn't matter to European anti-Semites that we were an established presence there and today it won’t matter to American anti-Semites that Israel is somehow 'important' to them. IT ISN'T AND WE ARE NOT.

No amount of assimilating or 'being essential to a country's anything', ever made a difference when it came to getting rid of the Jews.

Stop fooling yourselves.

You know I was taught that American Jews learned the lessons of their silence during the Shoah and would never be quiet, would never again allow Jews to be harmed/killed/massacred. Wrong! American Jews always stay the same. Before the Shoah, American Jews felt the European Jews were an embarrassment: too Jewish, too old fashioned, too funny talking. Well, what is it today? WE in Israel are not backward (ask Microsoft, Intel and hundreds of other hi tech companies who have established their Research and Development centers here in Israel), not poor and uneducated (see how strong our economy is). So what is it? Don’t like a strong Jew? Don’t like a Jew in uniform protecting his own? Get used to it. Don’t make excuses for it.

So all I have is one thing to say: Prove me wrong American Jews. Go ahead, I dare you.

Remembering our own Rachels

I didn't know that the ship used in the so-called Gaza flotilla was called the Rachel Corrie, named for an American "Peace Activist".

The following Youtube clip was sent to me by a friend; talks about the forgotten Rachels killed by terrorists (yimach shimom u'zichrum).

I want us to also remember our first Rachel, Rachel Imanu.

Here Yaacov talks about burying his beloved wife Rachel, in Bereshit:

"I didn't even take her into Beit Lechem itself which was in the land, and I know that you feel badly about this. But know that God told me to do this, so that she will be a help to her children. When Nevuzaradan, the King of Babylonia, will exile them and they will pass by her grave, Rachel will come out and cry, and beg God for mercy. God, in turn, will answer and respond to her: 'There is reward for your actions, so says the Lord, and your children will return to their borders.'" (Rashi, Genesis 48:8)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bye Bye Little Helen

I hear that little Helen has been 'retired'. Not fired. Not sanctioned. Just retired. Well she leaves a rich legacy, that I now understand includes a years of anti-Jewish/anti-Israel rhetoric. This whole "Thank you, Mr. President" is about as frightening as Marilyn's "Happy Birthday, Mr. President" and a lot less entertaining.

By now it is obvious to all that she has opened the door to open anti-Semitism. No more behind-closed-doors, mumbled innuendo. It's all out there, which is certainly interesting in an age of uber PC, where everyone bends over backwards  to "not" say something, little Helen has taken anti-semitism out of the proverbial closet and into middle America's living rooms.  And what does middle America see?  A nice 'white lady', kind of like someone's kindly aunt or grandmother, with a smile on her face and a laugh in her voice.  Heart-warming really.

Funny, first they want us all to go back to Israel and now they want us all to go back in Germany. Only, guess what? Germany DOES NOT WANT US and neither does any other country. The US cringed at the thought and I'm sure Poland 'crossed themselves' at the thought.

My real question is: Where the heck is American Jewry? I know the answer. Do you?

Sunday, June 6, 2010

The Flotilla

What did Little Helen Say

In Her Own Words

Say 'Thank You'. Little Helen finally came out of the preverbal closet and is now the poster child for the Obama administration. I have one thing to say to all Jews still living in America: Yiddin, leave America NOW! Leave while you can still leave with all your belongs, your families, your cat and your dignity. Remember that 'little' tefillin incident on Chautauqua Airlines - an affiliate of US Airways - back in January? "Misunderstanding" our basic religious practices? Now Little Helen "misunderstanding" the basics of Jewish history? How many 'incidents' and 'comments' will it take before you understand that we only have ONE HOMELAND and it ain't the golden medina. Remember, your parents/grandparents/great-grandparents came to America with NOTHING; no money, no connections and not even (in many cases) basic language skills and now look where Jews are in America. Now it's your turn. Come and make Israel strong. You have so much more to offer than any previous generation. You owe it to your kids/grandkids and great-grand kids.

I just need to give this little helen thomas thing one last bite - this is on her site:
Her site is entitled:
[title and sub title on the page]
HELEN THOMAS - Listen Up, Mr. President

Everything You Always Wanted Your President To Know and Do

That sub title tells it all: this is what she wants her president to know and do

Way to go little helen.

Just by the way, she has her 'apology' stated there as well - althought what or where the apology is - is a mystery to me....

Well, They're all coming out of the woodwork now....

While looking to see what became of little helen and her big mouth - I found this article the underlining is mine.

Helen Thomas and Media Matters
A couple of my friends are former members of the White House Press Corp and one of them tells me Helen Thomas isn’t at all a bad gal. After all, who in life hasn’t considered torching a synagogue or two? The comments made about Jews by Thomas at a White House event are likely those of an old woman blowing off some steam. I accept my friend’s explanation that Thomas is a good and decent person and not in any way a Jew hater. On the other hand, Thomas is simply expressing the views of many a liberal and many a liberal in the media, which allows us to point out no one is wholly objective.

I agree, she's "... a good and decent person and not in any way a Jew hater." Yup, a friens is someone who likes you, tell you to go to hell.As to a remark in his last paragraph:

"I’d hate to see Helen Thomas fired after such a long tenure on the job." - Heck me too, I think she should just reun for president or vice president...